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Supporting Pregnancy fOOd and Nutrition Security (SPOONS) in Denmark's most vulnerable neighbourhoods is really two things. First, it's a research project, run mainly by researchers based at Aarhus University, with some help from international and local partners. As researchers, we're interested in understanding what factors influence what pregnant people living in vulnerable neighbourhoods eat. We're also interested in how what people eat when they're pregnant affects their health and the health of their growing babies.


Secondly, SPOONS  is about offering support to eat well and live healthfully for people who are pregnant, or who are likely to become pregnant in the near future. Do you need a chance to talk to and learn from other people from your neighbourhood who are pregnant? To talk to pregnancy health professionals and researchers about what's going on in your life? To find out where you can get a little extra money to buy nutritious groceries? To voice your concerns about challenges or problems in your neighbourhood to people who make decisions? SPOONS wants to listen to pregnant people in Denmark's vulnerable neighbourhoods, and to use our skills to work with you to help make things a little bit better or a little bit more supportive

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